Nous proposons le service de calcul CO2 à travers le connecteur Fenix.
Après avoir obtenu l’autorisation via le connecteur, vous pouvez utiliser le service avec les instructions suivantes :

  • utiliser l’url /co2/calculate
  • utiliser un json valide, comme par exemple :
  "source": "XXXXPlatform",
  "transportLegsId": "1234567890",
  "transportLegs": [{
    "type": "road",
    "vehicle": {
      "vehicleType": "LightWeightCommercialVehicle",
      "vehicleTypeService": "ExpressMailCourierServices"
    "distance": 523,
    "goods": [{
      "goodsWeight": 15,
      "idGoods": "Goods1"
    "goodsWeight": 10,
    "idGoods": "Goods2"

JSON Data format description

Input : Description of the transport 

Concerning the information provided for goods and transport for the service of CO2 calculation, the format is JSON with the following structure : 

  "data": { 
    "transportLegsId":"1234567890",	=> Identifier of the transport. Mandatory 
    "transportLegs": [	=> List of stops. Mandatory 
        "type": "road",	=> road, sea, river, air, rail. Mandatory 
        "vehicle": { 
            "vehicleType": "LightWeightCommercialVehicle", => See predefined values 
            "vehicleTypeService": "ExpressMailCourierServices"=> See predefined values 
        "distance": 523,	=> Km - distance travelled for the service with load + distance allocated to the service without load. Mandatory if use of « vehicleTypeService » attribute 
        "goods": [  
            "goodsWeight": 15,	=> Tonnes  
            "idGoods": "Goods1"	=> Goods id : This identifier is used when supplying the result to identify the goods. Mandatory 
            "goodsWeight": 10,  
            "idGoods": "Goods2" 
        "type": "road", 
        "vehicle": { 
            "vehicleType": "LightWeightCommercialVehicle", 
            "energy": " PumpedRoadDiesel ", 
            "numberUnitsTransportedTonnes": 3.2, 	=> Tonnes : number of units transported per vehicle (average) 
            "energySourceConsumptionRate": 0.294 	=> l/Km 
        "distance": 223,	=> Mandatory if use of « energySourceConsumptionRate » attribute 
        "goods": [  
            "goodsWeight": 15,  
            "idGoods": "Goods1" 
            "goodsWeight": 10,  
            "idGoods": "Goods2" 
        "type": "river", 
        "vehicle": { 
            "vehicleType": "SelfPropelled", 
            "energy": "PumpedNonRoadDiesel", 
            "energySourceConsumption": 4000 	=> l or kWh – depends on energy 
        "distance": 223,	=> Mandatory if use of « energySourceConsumptionRate » attribute 
        "totalNumberUnitsTransportedTonnes": 150, 	=> Tonnes – Total weight of transported goods in the transport leg 
        "totalNumberUnitsTransportedVolumes": 30, 	=> M3 – Total volume of transported goods in the transport leg 
        "goods": [  
            "goodsWeight": 15,  
            "idGoods": "Goods1" 
            "goodsWeight": 10,  
            "idGoods": "Goods2" 
  "creationTime": "2017-10-10T14:52:29+02:00 ", 
  "datasouceIDResponse": "1324567895646", 
  "originator": {	=> Provider of the information 
      "mnemonic": "XXXX", 
      "source": "XXXXPlatform" 

Attribute « datasourceIDResponse » 

This attribute contains the identifier of the datasource in which the result of the CO2 calculation will be published. 

Block « transportLegs » 

The transport service must be broken down into segments. A « Segment » is any part of the route taken or to be taken by a transport service over which the person or goods is/are transported by the same means of transport (extract from article 1 of the French decree No. 2011-1336 of 24 October 2011).  

For illustration purposes, in a combined rail-road transport service, three segments can be identified: two road segments for the pre- and post-journeys and one rail segment. However, the term ‘means of transport’ can also apply to the same mode of transport following the example of a parcel delivery company classically implementing three different segments on road-based modes of transport, however using different means: collection round, journey, distribution round. 

Block « vehicle » 

This block describes the type of vehicle. The different possible combinations are as follows: 

Standard vehicle (Level 1 values) 

"vehicle": { 
    "vehicleType": "LightWeightCommercialVehicle", => See predefined values 
    "vehicleTypeService": "ExpressMailCourierServices" => See predefined values 

The distance must be provided to allow the calculation. 

Level 1 values are default values provided for each mode of transport per type of activity or means of transport. 

The level 1 values are drawn up from mean statistics or estimates and may, according to the fields of activity, hide significant differences between the different stakeholders. Given that the representative accuracy of these values can be improved, higher level values should therefore be used where possible. 

Company vehicle (description of the type of vehicle used by the company – Level 2 values) 

"vehicle": { 
          "energy": "PumpedRoadDiesel",=> See predefined values 
          "numberUnitsTransportedTonnes": 26.0, 
          "numberUnitsTransportedVolumes": 6.0, 	=> M3 
          "energySourceConsumptionRate": 0.294 	=> l/Km 

The distance must be provided to allow the calculation. 

Level 2 values correspond to average figures calculated by the service provider for all of its activities. 

The calculation principles are identical, however the values used are produced by the company using its own energy consumption figures and/or load or occupancy indicators. These values correspond to all of its activities. 

Real data (Level 4 values) 

 "vehicle": { 
          "vehicleType": "SemiTrailerTruck26", => Used to estimate ghgEmissions distribution. See predefined values 
          "energy": "PumpedRoadDiesel",=> See predefined values 
          "energySourceConsumption": 65=> l or kWh – depends on energy 

Level 4 values are calculated based on real data for the transport service. 

The use of level 4 values involves the collection of information on the real operating conditions of the service (energy consumption, load, occupancy, etc.) in order to produce CO2 information based on measured data. This use is particularly relevant for the « number of units transported by the means of transport » when the vehicle’s load is known and intended for multiple customers. 

Block « goods » 

"goods": [  
            "goodsWeight": 15,	=> Tonnes  
            "goodsVolume": 3, 	=> M3  
            "idGoods": "Goods1"	=> Goods id : This identifier is used when supplying the result to identify the goods 
            "goodsWeight": 10,  
            "goodsVolume": 2,5, 
            "idGoods": "Goods2" 

The « idGoods » contains the identifier of goods. It is used when supplying the result to identify the goods. This information is mandatory.  

For the calculation, you can use for all the goods, either: 

  • the weight, 
  • the volume, 
  • the weight and the volume 

List of predefined values

With « vehicleType » in : 

  • For « type » = « road » 
  • LightWeightCommercialVehicle => Light-weight commercial vehicle with a GVW of 3,5 tonnes 
  • StraightTruck7_5 => Straight truck with a GVW of 7,5 tonnes 
  • StraightTruck12 => Straight truck with a GVW of 12 tonnes 
  • StraightTruck19 => Straight truck with a GVW of 19 tonnes 
  • SemiTrailerTruck26 => Semi-trailer truck with a GCW of 26 tonnes 
  • SemiTrailerTruck35 => Semi-trailer truck with a GCW of 35 tonnes 
  • SemiTrailerTruck40 => Semi-trailer truck with a GCW of 40 tonnes 
  • Van => Van with a volume of 8 metres cubed 
  • StraighTruck45m3 => Straight truck with a volume of 45 metres cubed 
  • SemiTrailerTruck90m3 => Semi-trailer truck with a volume of 90 metres cubed 
  • For « type » = « sea » 
  • HandysizeBulkCarrier => Handysize bulk carrier 
  • HandymaxBulkCarrier => Handymax bulk carrier 
  • PanamaxBulkCarrier => Panamax bulk carrier 
  • CapesizeBulkCarrier => Capesize bulk carrier 
  • ProductTankerSmallOilTanker => Product tanker small oil tanker 
  • HandyProductOilTanker => Handy product oil tanker 
  • AframaxOilTanker => Aframax oil tanker 
  • VLCCOilTanker => VLCC oil tanker 
  • SmallLPGTanker => Small LPG tanker 
  • VLGCGasTanker => VLGC gas tanker 
  • SmallBulkCarrier => Small bulk carrier/sea-river vessel 
  • ContainerShip => Container ship 
  • NightFerry => Night ferry 1 290 tonnes 
  • DayFerry => Day ferry 2 350 tonnes 
  • RoPax => Ro-Pax 
  • RoRo => Ro-Ro 
  • For « type » = « river » 
  • SelfPropelled => Self-propelled 
  • PusherTug => Pusher tug with barge(s) 
  • For « type » = « air » 
  • ShortRangeAircraft => Short-range aircraft 
  • MediumRangeAircraft => Medium-range aircraft 
  • LongRangeAircraft => Long-range aircraft  
  • For « type » = « rail » 
  • TrainRunningElectricity => Train running on electricity 
  • TrainRunningPumpedNonRoadDiesel => Train running on pumped non-road diesel 
  • TrainMixConsumption => Train at mix consumption 

With « vehicleTypeService » in : 

  • For « vehicleType » = « LightWeightCommercialVehicle » 
  • ExpressMailCourierServices => Express (mail, courier services) 
  • ExpressParcels => Express (parcels) 
  • For « vehicleType » = « StraightTruck19 » 
  • Express => Express 
  • ParcelDelivery => Parcel delivery 
  • ParcelDeliveryRefrigerated => Parcel delivery (refrigerated) 
  • For « vehicleType » = « SemiTrailerTruck40 » 
  • ParcelDelivery => Parcel delivery 
  • ParcelDeliveryRefrigerated => Parcel delivery (refrigerated) 
  • For « vehicleType » = « StraightTruck7_5 » 
  • MiscellaneousGoods => Miscellaneous goods 
  • For « vehicleType » = « StraightTruck12 » 
  • MiscellaneousGoods => Miscellaneous goods 
  • For « vehicleType » = « SemiTrailerTruck26 » 
  • LargeVolumes => Large volumes 
  • For « vehicleType » = « SemiTrailerTruck35 » 
  • CarCarrier => Car carrier 
  • For « vehicleType » = « SemiTrailerTruck40 » 
  • MiscellaneousGoodsLongDistance => Miscellaneous goods/long-distance 
  • MiscellaneousGoodsRegional => Miscellaneous goods/regional 
  • LargeVolumes => Large volumes 
  • WithRefrigeratedUnit => With refrigerated unit 
  • PublicWorksTruck => Public works truck 
  • GrainTruck => Grain truck 
  • ContainerTruck => Container truck 
  • Tanker => Tanker 
  • For « vehicleType » = « Van » 
  • HomeMoving => Home moving 
  • For « vehicleType » = « StraighTruck45m3 » 
  • HomeMoving => Home moving 
  • For « vehicleType » = « SemiTrailerTruck90m3 » 
  • HomeMoving => Home moving 
  • For « type » = « HandysizeBulkCarrier » 
  • LessThan40250T => deadweight tonnage of less than 40 250 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « HandymaxBulkCarrier » 
  • LessThan63500T => deadweight tonnage between 40 250 and 63 499 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « PanamaxBulkCarrier » 
  • LessThan127500T => deadweight tonnage between 63 500 and 127 500 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « CapesizeBulkCarrier » 
  • GreaterThan127500T => deadweight tonnage of greater than 127 500 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « ProductTankerSmallOilTanker » 
  • LessThan26500T => deadweight tonnage of less than 26 500 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « HandyProductOilTanker » 
  • LessThan68500T => deadweight tonnage between 26 500 and 68 499 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « AframaxOilTanker » 
  • LessThan200000T => deadweight tonnage between 68 500 and 200 000 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « VLCCOilTanker » 
  • GreaterThan200000T => deadweight tonnage of greater than 200 000 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « ContainerShip » 
  • LessThan1200TEU => Less than 1 200 TEU 3 650 tonnes 
  • LessThan1900TEU => From 1 200 to 1 899 TEU 11 000 tonnes 
  • LessThan3850TEU => From 1 900 to 3 849 TEU 18 500 tonnes 
  • LessThan7500TEU => From 3 850 to 7 499 TEU 46 400 tonnes 
  • GreaterThan7500TEU => Greater than 7 500 TEU 74 900 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « SelfPropelled » 
  • CapacityLessThan400T => Capacity of less than 400 tonnes of deadweight tonnage 
  • CapacityLessThan649T => Capacity of between 400 and 649 tonnes of deadweight tonnage 
  • CapacityLessThan999T => Capacity of between 650 and 999 tonnes of deadweight tonnage 
  • CapacityLessThan1499T => Capacity of between 1,000 and 1,499 tonnes of deadweight tonnage 
  • CapacityGreaterThan1499T => Capacity greater than or equal to 1,500 tonnes of deadweight tonnage 
  • For « type » = « PusherTug » 
  • CapacityLessThan590KW => Capacity of less than 590 kW 
  • CapacityLessThan880KW => Capacity of between 590 and 879 kW 
  • CapacityGreaterThan880KW => Capacity greater than or equal to 880 kW (excluding container shipping) 
  • CapacityGreaterThan880KWContainerShipping => Capacity greater than or equal to 880 kW (container shipping) 
  • For « type » = « ShortRangeAircraft » 
  • AircraftWith0To50Seats => Aircraft with 0 to 50 seats  
  • AircraftWith50To100Seats => Aircraft with 50 to 100 seats 
  • CargoMTOWLessThan100T => Cargo-only planes with MTOW < 100 tonnes  
  • For « type » = « MediumRangeAircraft » 
  • AircraftWith100To180Seats => Aircraft with 100 to 180 seats 
  • AircraftWith180To250Seats => Aircraft with 180 to 250 seats 
  • CargoMTOWFrom100To250T => Cargo-only planes with MTOW from 100 to 250 tonnes 
  • For « type » = « LongRangeAircraft » 
  • AircraftWithMoreThan250Seats => Aircraft with more than 250 seat   
  • CargoMTOWGreaterThan250T => Cargo-only planes with MTOW > 250 tonnes   
  • For « type » = « TrainRunningElectricity » 
  • DensityLessThan250 => Goods with a density less than or equal to 249 kg/m³ 
  • DensityBetween250And399 => Goods with a density of between 250 and 399 kg/m³ 
  • DensityGreaterThan399 => Goods with a density greater than or equal to 400 kg/m³ 
  • For « type » = « TrainRunningPumpedNonRoadDiesel » 
  • DensityLessThan250 => Goods with a density less than or equal to 249 kg/m³ 
  • DensityBetween250And399 => Goods with a density of between 250 and 399 kg/m³ 
  • DensityGreaterThan399 => Goods with a density greater than or equal to 400 kg/m³ 
  • For « type » = « TrainMixConsumption » 
  • DensityLessThan250 => Goods with a density less than or equal to 249 kg/m³ 
  • DensityBetween250And399 => Goods with a density of between 250 and 399 kg/m³ 
  • DensityGreaterThan399 => Goods with a density greater than or equal to 400 kg/m³ 

With « energy » in : 

  • For « type » = « road » 
  • PumpedNonRoadDiesel => Pumped non-road diesel 
  • PumpedRoadDiesel  => Pumped road diesel 
  • For « type » = « sea » 
  • HeavyFuelOil  => Heavy fuel oil ISO 8217 Classes RME à RMK 
  • MarineDieselOil  => Marine diesel oil ISO 8217 Classes DMX à DMB 
  • MarineLiquefiedNaturalGas => Marine liquefied natural gas (LNG) 
  • MarineButane => Marine butane 
  • MarinePropane => Marine propane 
  • For « type » = « river » 
  • PumpedNonRoadDiesel => Pumped non-road diesel 
  • For « type » = « air » 
  • WideCutJetFuel=> Wide-cut jet fuel (jet B) 
  • AviationFuel => Aviation fuel (AvGas) 
  • Kerosene => Kerosene (Jet A1 or Jet A) 
  • For « type » = « rail » 
  • ConsumedInMainlandFrance => Consumed in mainland France (excluding Corsica) 
  • ConsumedInEurope => Consumed in Europe (excluding France) 
  • PumpedNonRoadDiesel => Pumped non-road diesel

Output : Result of the calculated CO2

Concerning the result of the calculated CO2, the format is JSON with the following structure : 

  "creationTime": "2018-07-24T16:23:19.977+02:00", 
  "data": { 
    "transportLegsId": "1234567890", 
    "total": { 	=> Total CO2 
      "ghgEmissions": { 
        "percentLinkedVehicle": 5.23, 	=> % linked to the vehicle 
        "percentLinkedInfrastructures": 0.62, 	=> % linked to the infrastructures 
        "percentLinkedFuel": 94.15, 	=> % linked to the fuel 
        "percentLinkedStorage": 0, 	=> % linked to the storage 
        "value": 504.0736788830757	=> GHG upstream + use + storage + vehicle + infrastructures (KgCO2e) 
      "co2IndexValue": 24902.96800145592, 	=> CO2 Index value (KgCO2) 
      "en16258Index": { 
        "energyUpstreamUse": 16753.01125207257, 	=> Energy upstream + use (MJ) 
        "ghgUpstreamUse": 504.0736788830757, 	=> GHG upstream + use (KgCO2e) 
        "energyUse": 13328.65360620868, 	=> Energy use (MJ) 
        "ghgUse": 377.5822551333904	=> GHG use (KgCO2e) 
    "goods": [	=> CO2 per goods 
        "ghgEmissions": { 
          "percentLinkedVehicle": 5.31, 
          "percentLinkedInfrastructures": 0.63, 
          "percentLinkedFuel": 94.06, 
          "percentLinkedStorage": 0, 
          "value": 297.6329651799009 
        "idGoods": "Goods1", 
        "co2IndexValue": 14937.135441707245, 
        "en16258Index": { 
          "energyUpstreamUse": 9881.969903350502, 
          "ghgUpstreamUse": 297.6329651799009, 
          "energyUse": 7862.070394804015, 
          "ghgUse": 222.72154092929225 
        "ghgEmissions": { 
          "percentLinkedVehicle": 5.31, 
          "percentLinkedInfrastructures": 0.63, 
          "percentLinkedFuel": 94.06, 
          "percentLinkedStorage": 0, 
          "value": 198.42197678660062 
        "idGoods": "Goods2", 
        "co2IndexValue": 9958.090294471496, 
        "en16258Index": { 
          "energyUpstreamUse": 6587.979935567001, 
          "ghgUpstreamUse": 198.42197678660062, 
          "energyUse": 5241.380263202676, 
          "ghgUse": 148.48102728619483 
  "originator": {	=> Provider of the information 
    "mnemonic": "NeoGLS", 
    "source": "NOSCIFEL" 

Output : Error in calculation 

When the service detects an error, the following message is sent : 

  "code": 1, 
  "error": true, 
  "msg": "Missing Id of the datasource for the result of the CO2 calculation.;Missing identifier of the transport." 

The fiels « msg » contains the description of the detected error. 

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